
Red Light Laughter started life as an exercise in therapeutic laughter clubs / Laughter Yoga classes. In doing the exercise, you drive yourself around the room with a green light. When the leader says “Red Light”, everyone stops and laughs. On “Green Light” everyone stops laughing and “drives” around the room until the next “Red Light”.

Laughter is a great neutralizer of negative emotions. So it was somewhat natural to adapt this exercise to someone driving a vehicle – particularly people commuting daily who are encountering road rage (either from others or themselves).

Red Light Laughter can help with the commuter’s mood both going to work and returning back home.

Red Light Laughter and the Red Light Laughter Institute are creations coming out of my membership and participation in the Association of Applied and Therapeutic Laughter ( and the AATH Humor Academy.

I am a trained and certified Laughter Yoga Leader with a M.A. in Human Services - Conflict Resolution from St. Edward’s University.